A great ending to a great trip! http://t.co/W6sAkd…

A great ending to a great trip! http://t.co/W6sAkdbxYY

25th Aug

Last night in Okinawa….time for a BBQ by the poo…

Last night in Okinawa….time for a BBQ by the pool! #okinawalife #welcometothegoodlife...

24th Aug
Last night in Okinawa….time for a BBQ by the poo…

Shisa, shisa everywhere in Okinawa! https://t.co/p…

Shisa, shisa everywhere in Okinawa! vine.co/v/MLEQdOWaWpu

24th Aug
Shisa, shisa everywhere in Okinawa! https://t.co/p…

I gotta say…. Life in Okinawa is pretty relaxing…

I gotta say…. Life in Okinawa is pretty relaxing. http://t.co/XKMYXwAhHE

24th Aug

Totally forgot how delicious and noisy Anerican li…

Totally forgot how delicious and noisy Anerican life is! #Okinawa #welcometothegoodlife vine.co/v/MLrQKmdrHtH

22nd Aug
Totally forgot how delicious and noisy Anerican li…