Lots of thought provoking questions and comments….

Lots of thought provoking questions and comments. Thanks to everyone who came...

06th Jul

Toru Nakahara & I as plenary speakers @osakaja…

Toru Nakahara & I as plenary speakers @osakajalt /KobeJALT’s summer seminar. Happy...

06th Jul

@famicomplicated @feitclub I’m speaking @osakajal…

@famicomplicated @feitclub I’m speaking @osakajalt & Kobe JALT’s Summer Seminar on this...

04th Jul
@famicomplicated @feitclub I’m speaking  @osakajal…

@famicomplicated @feitclub Osaka City started pilo…

@famicomplicated @feitclub Osaka City started pilot program 1year3months ago. Osaka prefecture starts...

04th Jul
@famicomplicated @feitclub Osaka City started pilo…

With my big boss, Governor Ichiro Matsui tonight….

With my big boss, Governor Ichiro Matsui tonight. Happy to have “English...

03rd Jul