Via Twitter: Made it to the southern-most point of Japan: Okina…

Made it to the southern-most point of Japan: Okinawa! The only main...

21st Aug

Via Twitter: Just finished orientation for 11 new JETs in Osaka…

Just finished orientation for 11 new JETs in Osaka prefecture! Hope they...

19th Aug
Via Twitter: Just finished orientation for 11 new JETs in Osaka…

Via Twitter: A lot fantastic demonstrations at the our Renshink…

A lot fantastic demonstrations at the our Renshinkai Dojo’s Rasui Taikai!!

18th Aug

Via Twitter: Perfect mix of technology & Eco-Friendly, It’l…

Perfect mix of technology & Eco-Friendly, It’ll make you say “WHOA!” When...

14th Aug

Via Twitter: My friend, and President of Tesla Japan, stopped b…

My friend, and President of Tesla Japan, stopped by and took the...

14th Aug