What a nice welcome to the U.S. http://t.co/UJGivk…

What a nice welcome to the U.S. http://t.co/UJGivki9yO

01st Jul

It’s official! Watch out for these “American guys”…

It’s official! Watch out for these “American guys”! #backintheUSA #PureMichigan #WelcomeToTheGoodLife http://t.co/G55ieNBNpa

01st Jul

17 boxes arrived from Japan in Ann Arbor, MI! Than…

17 boxes arrived from Japan in Ann Arbor, MI! Thanks, Yamato! With...

01st Jun

..I got to be right in the middle of it as an acti…

..I got to be right in the middle of it as an...

18th May
..I got to be right in the middle of it as an acti…

..are happening feels surreal. This was a major, i…

..are happening feels surreal. This was a major, if not the biggest,...

18th May
..are happening feels surreal. This was a major, i…